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Do you know how to keep a cool head in a tough situation? 


Having an organised trusting team approach means individuals can resolve issues, discuss tough topics and appreciate differences while being effective and completing the team goal.

This camp provides participants with the opportunity to develop strategies to build and maintain effective, functional and high performing teams.

What makes an excellent leader?

Successful leaders know their own strengths and weaknesses, they should also know how to develop their leadership skills through self-awareness, action and reflection. As teams differentiate and organisations become more complex, leaders today need to work with others to build resilience and fulfill everyone’s potential.

During the 3 Days there will be two challenges plus team bonding, food preparations and debriefs! 

Everything is provided, except for personal items (toiletries, clothes, shoes and yourself) on enrollment you will be provided a detail list of mandatory items to bring.

When: 26-28 February 2020
Where: Teewah Beach, Noosa North Shore, Sunshine Coast Queensland
Cost: $995 per person
Duration: 3 Days 


Noosa North Shore Third Cutting

Noosa North Shore Third Cutting

Teewah Beach

Teewah Beach

Cooloola Recreation Area, Great Sandy National Park

Red Canyon

Red Canyon

Red Canyon at Cooloola National Park

Beach Cutting

Beach Cutting

Heading up the cutting off the Teewah Beach

Camping Ground

Camping Ground

Noosa North Shore Camping Ground

Lace Monitor

Lace Monitor

One of the locals at Freshwater

Beautiful Clear Water

Beautiful Clear Water

Surf off Teewah Beach



Freshwater Camp Grounds

Freshwater Camp Grounds

Freshwater Camping area and day use area



Freshwater near Double Island Point off Teewah Beach, Noosa North Shore

Noosa North Shore

Noosa North Shore

Heading towards the third cutting that takes you down to Teewah Beach

Teewah Beach

Teewah Beach

Driving on the gorgeous Teewah Beach







ERMQ undertaking organisation of Leadership Challenge

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