Emergency Risk Management Qld teams are staffed entirely by professional fire fighters, paramedics and asset protection personnel, most of whom have served with a government emergency service. Our staff are trained and experienced in managing any incidents, treating or stabilising injuries and illnesses presented, whilst also securing key assets. This capability is underpinned by a comprehensive initial and ongoing site specific risk and security assessments; in conjunction with daily/weekly site specific drills and exercises, ensuring total familiarity with the site they are responsible for. This approach ensures the skill set of deployed personnel match all identified risks as well as site and legislative requirements.
With ERMQ providing the Emergency Service Officer staff, they become a part of your onsite team, driving a culture of zero harm; encouraging and educating all staff to adopt an all hazards approach to safety management. This has the flow on effect of providing the best outcomes for our clients.
ERMQ understands the requirements of the mining industry and will deliver professionally trained and emergency fire rescue, security and paramedics to ensure your site is well-protected and that the safety and care of your valuable workforce is provided for. Our specialist staff have undertaken real-life training specific to the mining and critical infrastructure industries including drug and alcohol testing. Our staff have extensive experience in the provision of remote primary care medical services, aero medical retrieval, remote medicine and medical rescue. This includes the provision of fully equipped ambulances, supply of first aid facilities, provision of medical fit out to supplied first aid facilities and the ongoing replenishment.
ERMQ, fully trained and highly experienced Emergency Services Officers and Coordinators are an outstanding addition to any Health and Safety Department. Expertise across a wide range of operational disciplines and experience operating in a diverse range of locations. Our experience covers exploration, construction and operations on resource and major utility projects as well as during shutdowns and other critical events. On deployment we integrate into a client’s existing site infrastructure, procedures and systems. While maintaining our site-based services, our emergency services personnel report to their onsite manager. As a training co-provider, ERMQ maintains and upgrades the skills of our emergency services personnel through the provision of on-site training or additionally, we can deliver site-based training to our client’s volunteer ERT personnel.
ERMQ also offers nationally recognised training including Certificate III Mines Emergency Response & Rescue.
Our Emergency Service Officers have wide ranging expertise across many key areas.
ERMQ can commit to all your company's fire, rescue, security and safety risk management needs. We can offer on-site service across a range of products to our clients. ERMQ provides servicing to portable fire protection equipment in strict accordance with the requirements of the relevant Australian Standards. We are aware of all the legal requirements for businesses when it comes to Essential Fire Services and we will outline exactly what our customer’s require for compliance.
EMRQ operations manager has been working in remote sites for a number of years. He is intensely aware of a company's requirements for compliance management and has built his business to accommodate. Meeting many challenges associated with remote locations, including the rigid safety requirements of mine sites. Fire service technicians that are multi-skilled, experienced and qualified to test all of the essential fire service and safety measures on your property.
Ensuring information is recorded and managed correctly. Content experts Operate in the background to assist you and continuously train our staff.
As a small company that relies on reputation, our business is built on our high standards of service and quality advice.